Your LIFE exponential

Vitality . Success . Love 

Infusing harmony one LIFEstep at a time

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5 Steps To Simply Whole Forgiveness

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Tools to help you make your life abundant and increase your skills, relationships, and build a harmonious life!

Disrupters of the Norm and Advocates of Harmony. Yetta and Ken Delight in Supporting Their Clients in Creating an Intentionally Joyful Life.

As a result of our life design curriculum, workshops and coaching, entrepreneurial individuals and couples move beyond beyond their own self imposed thinking, beyond where society stops them and beyond where they typically get stuck. They move to living with deeper relationships, increased financial wealth, intentional adventures, and greater meaning.

We’re looking for those who enjoy their life and yet are a little tired of the status quo because they’re certain... that even with all the SUCCESS they’ve experienced, they’re called to a life of even greater fulfillment, contribution, and impact.

Who do you know that’s ready to step exponentially into the BEST life has to offer?


Mentoring couples and individuals desiring exponential business and life momentum that ripples out to others.

Simply Whole Forgiveness is LIFE giving

Get your guide on 5 Steps To Simply Whole Forgiveness BELOW!


Lisa Nichols


Liz M Lopez


Vickie Gould


Dana Johnson


Kisha Wynter


Kim Lavigne and Frederick March



We have had the privilege of journeying with the Dekkers for the majority of our adult lives. Their mentorship. guidance, advice, and friendship have impacted our marriage, our personal and our working relationships for the better. Their impact or wise words come to mind when we make decisions and as we move through our day-to-day life. Double Dekker, has journeyed with us through our most terrible phases of life, they have celebrated our biggest milestones with us, and everything in between.
Being guided by the Dekker's is an investment you're making into your whole life. Our investment has paid itself back in just about every area of our lives. Through our time with them, we have seen significant "return" on the investment in our spiritual lives, our marriage, our friendships, our family relationships and also our professional lives. Double Dekker reaches you where you are and carefully guides you to where you want to be.
If you're considering working with Double Dekker, I can tell you, you're investing in yourself as a whole. Many of us seek a spiritual coach, or a business coach, etc. When you partner with Double Dekker, you'll be approaching life as a whole. Double Dekker will help guide you through the deeper thinking of your decision making, the core desires of your heart, and the habits/hurts that may be holding you back from living your best, wholehearted life!

Jodi, Andrew, Katelyn, Trevor, and Sozo Ferguson

Roz and Sean Woodland


50% Complete

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